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The 2019 Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit will be held in July

Leandre Grecia | Top Gear

The event is now in its seventh year!

We are in the advent of electric vehicle (EV) technology—it’s hard to say otherwise, especially when carmakers all over the globe are putting more effort and resources into their electric ventures as we eclipse the decade. These are definitely exciting times, and the EV landscape in the country is only bound to get bigger.

The Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines (EVAP) will be hosting the 7th Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit (PEVS) this coming July 17 to 18, 2019, at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City. The theme for this year is ‘Modernizing the Transport Landscape: Driving Sustainable Growth.’ Major names in the automotive industries such as Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Hyundai will showcase their innovations during the summit, and Motolite will also be making a big reveal of its new EV.

During the event, representatives from the public transport sector, the local government, the academe, and the EV and automotive industries will be discussing the challenges and solutions in mainstreaming electric automotives during the scheduled technical sessions.

“All in all, we expect about 15 vehicles to be exhibited and over a thousand visitors to visit the EV Summit daily,”says EVAP President Edmund Araga. “We will have on display the latest electric tricycles, cars, SUVs, and jeepneys participating in the PUVMP. You will even have the opportunity to test-drive some of these EVs at the grounds near SMX. The best news is that if you visit the EV Summit, you might bring home an e-trike that will be the major prize in a raffle we will be conducting.”

While electric cars are still a rare sighting here in the country, electric bikes, scooters, and tricycles, on the other hand, have evidently been increasing in number as the years pass. Araga observes the same, and claims that the government is now looking toward strengthening the electric automotive industry as it addresses concerns in the mass public transport system: “Infrastructure and government support to sustain the growth of the EV industry are now being set up. The 3,000 Bemac e-trikes of the Department of Energy now being deployed nationwide are becoming more visible in various LGUs.”

The government’s Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) also plays a role in the government’s push for the electrification of public transport. The program aims to improve the transport system not only through newer and cleaner diesel engines, but with electric powertrains as well. Araga claims that more e-jeepneys are now being deployed in Metro Manila, as well as in Visayas and Mindanao.

The Bureau of Philippine Standards is in the midst, too, of formulating standards that will cover the parts, components, testing parameters and procedures, and safety features for all EVs that are en route to set foot on Philippine roads.

Araga states that in this year’s summit, the focus is geared toward actual application and full utilization to make real significant impacts in Philippine transport, not just mere introductions of new models and technologies. “We invite EV enthusiasts and the general public to come and see what the Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit 2019 has to offer: the future of automotive technology. We are sure that our EV displays and talks from various EV experts will be both educational and enlightening for all involved,” he concludes.

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